How to pay with your Bank Account or Mobile wallets (Easypaisa, JazzCash, Upaisa)?

How to pay with your Bank Account or Mobile wallets (Easypaisa, JazzCash, Upaisa)?

Your information is always encrypted and never exposed to network. We use highly secure and trusted payment partners to process all the payments on


To pay using your bank account you can follow the following easy steps;

1. Select a product

Select a product and click on Buy Now or Add to Cart button and proceed to checkout page. Here you need to input your information;

Checkout - Fill information


2. Select shipping option

Check if your shipping information is correct and see which shipping method applies to you.

Shipping method


3. Select payment method

Here you will see different payment options available to you. Select PayFast as payment method to pay using your bank account or any of mobile wallets like, easypaisa, jazzcash or upaisa.

payment method


4. Select Continue as Guest

After selecting PayFast as payment method you will be redirected to PayFast's secure website to process payment. There you can login if you have an account with PayFast or choose Continue as Guest to proceed with payment.

Continue as guest


5. Choose your Bank or Mobile Wallet

Here you can choose your bank from the list of supported banks e.g HBL, Allied Bank or you can choose to pay using mobile wallets like Easypaisa, Jazzcash or Upaisa.

Select Bank

6. Input confirmation code

When you input your bank account and CNIC and click on Make Payment you will get a 6 digit confirmation code on your registered mobile number with the bank account. Input that code here;

input OTP

7. Congratulations! You have completed your payment.

On successful payment you will see the payment completion screen like the one below in picture. Here you have completed your order and you will also receive a confirmation email of your order. You will be automatically redirected back to Wasahi.

Payment success


If you still have any questions please feel free to contact us. We are always available on Live Chat to help you on every step.

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